Saturday, August 30, 2008

Strip #7

As promised, here's a strip #7.

I'm also probably going to start talking about other things, as...this *is* a blog, and therefore it's highly likely that I'll be changing the layout and maybe even the name to better reflect the material. I'll still make comics though, as long as there are people who enjoy them.


GuitarHeroYao said...

OMG I LOVE YOUR COMICS! You should totally make more! I was wondering if I might be able to use one as a template! It would be cool if you could get back to me! THANKS

Unknown said...

Welcome to
you will be able to post your fail maplestory videos and ill put it on and give credits to the owner of the video!

Automouse2 Dot Com said...

we sell the best game-bot for maple story & others.
will be updated for Big Bang in a week.

also sell the best automouse & fps mouse.

check them out!!


Automouse2 Dot Com said...

Hello :) sorry pretty...
It's not a spam but a marketing.. :)

We sell the best Game-Bots for Maple story & Others.
also sell the best automouse & fps mouse.
Our Products are smart & brilliant, also Safe.
Check them out !!!! It's amazing.

Have a nice day~~~~* [ Automouse2.c.o.m ]